
My name is Kelly Nobles, I'm 35, the wife of Eric for 14 years, mother to 4 daughters and follower of Christ. Welcome to a little piece of my life, my daily struggle of living with a DVT and all that comes with it! I am 13 months in the fight of my life. I just had my 7th surgical procedure. Over the next few months I will go back to the beginning of my battle and re-tell the story of where I was, where I am and finally where I hope to be. My heart is to be transparent and to help others. I hope to educate prevention but even more than that I would like to offer a gentle embrace to those affected by this silent killer. So welcome to my neck of the woods, may you be blessed!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Now What?...Post 21 DVT Testimony

It sounds like the end, everything the world or the doctors tell me are facts.  Now, the enemy's goal is to take those facts and try to distort them into truths only they aren't truth they are LIES.  The only One capable of telling TRUTH 100% of the time is the Lord.  Remember, Truth trumps fact.  The fact is: Doctor's say that I have a blood clot that won't go away and will cause suffering for the rest of my life.  Truth: God's Holy Word says, that I am healed, made in His image and He will be my joy, that He will rescue from my trouble.  Truth trumps fact!  As a Christian Woman I have to ask myself when being faced by adversity, whose report will I believe?  Will I cling to the dismal report of the medical world or will I believe in the Truth of God's Word that sets captives free and releases healing and instruction?  This should be a no brainer but as frail humans we all struggle with this choice.

I would like to continue the story, as much has unfolded in the past 3 months.  Many of you know that I now represent a company called, RejuvaHealth.  They are a brand of compression hose that is unlike any other.  Being diagnosed with the conditions I have mentioned in previous posts, part of my therapy is to wear compression hose.  As a 35 year old woman who enjoys being young and current, wearing traditional compression hose is quite a challenge.  True, the Lord had to work out some vanity and pride issues out in me through the wearing of these stockings but nonetheless He gave me a burning desire to find something more youthful.  In that quest I found the "needle in a haystack" when I found RejuvaHealth.  Their stockings are like no other, this I know.  I have searched high and low and RejuvaHealth managed to do what no other company has done.  They make a compression stocking that is not recognizable as a compression stocking.  They are bright, fun, full of pattern and beauty all while being a functional compression stocking providing top notch support for many symptoms that ail people with venous, swelling or pain issues.  Upon finding RejuvaHealth, I contacted the company and shared a little of my story.  Before I knew it the founder of the company and designer of the stockings had contacted me and we began a friendship.  I discovered that she had also had a DVT fight as a very young woman and like me, was discouraged by the lack of choice when buying compression hose so she decided to design her own stockings!  Not long after that I began working for her as an East Coast representative.  This young woman took a horrible health issue and turned it into something that not only helped herself heal but helps and will help so many others suffering too.  This DVT fight that we have in common brought us together as friends and now as colleagues. 

Do you see the series of events in the lives of 2 very different women on 2 different coasts that brought them together?  That is only the Lord!  I have to say, I get a chuckle every time I think of how the enemy meant to destroy me with this health battle but the Lord showed up, as He Always does, and turned those plans around.  The enemy threw a hurdle in my way intended to take me out of the great race, the Lord turned that hurdle into a step and I was able to jump even higher instead of trip and fall.  The Lord turned that jagged hurdle into a platform to preach His Good News through the Word of my Testimony, to teach prevention, a platform to love His people and serve Him!  An opportunity came my way to work for a company that has passion for prevention and knows what its like to suffer with pain and desires to help others get better.  An opportunity to raise funds to pay all my health bills while still being at home with my children.  An opportunity to grow deeper into a Proverbs 31 Woman.  The Lord gives opportunities to soar when we watch, listen and wait for Him.  Don't limit what the Lord will do, this walk with Him can be like looking at a princess cut diamond ring.  As a whole the ring sparkles, but as you look deeper there are more facets to that diamond than you can count.  Those individual facets and cuts are what enables that ring to sparkle so brilliantly!  Each day the facets of this walk with the Lord are revealed through His word, through the experiences He allows to grow us, through the opportunities He throws our way!

In my next post, I hope to discuss my 7th surgery and its outcome.  I hope you'll join me.

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