Welcome to a little piece of my life, my daily struggle living with a DVT and all that comes with it! I am 13 months in the fight of my life. I just had my 7th venogram/surgical procedure. This is where I am today. Over the next few weeks I will go back to the beginning of my struggle and tell the story of where I was, am and hope to be. My heart is to be transparent and help others. I would really like to educate prevention but more than that I would like to offer a gentle embrace to those affected by this silent killer! So again, welcome to my neck of the woods, may you be blessed.
My name is Kelly Nobles, I'm 35, the wife of Eric for 14 years, mother to 4 daughters and follower of Christ. Welcome to a little piece of my life, my daily struggle of living with a DVT and all that comes with it! I am 13 months in the fight of my life. I just had my 7th surgical procedure. Over the next few months I will go back to the beginning of my battle and re-tell the story of where I was, where I am and finally where I hope to be. My heart is to be transparent and to help others. I hope to educate prevention but even more than that I would like to offer a gentle embrace to those affected by this silent killer. So welcome to my neck of the woods, may you be blessed!
I have enjoyed reading this. I heard bits & pieces but never understood what was going on. Looking forward to reading more Kelly. I love that even in this trial, you are giving God honor and Glory for all He has done & is going to do in your life. I will continue to pray dear one for healing!